Another Day, Exhausted but Happy

Working on the hottest summer days isn’t something we recommend, but when you are playing with a new toy (an old stone house), you just can’t wait. We had a few more advancements from the previous action and overall, we are happy.

While we were working, we were wondering how previous generations managed to build all those isolated constructions and all these dry stone walls (“suhozid”) to preserve the agricultural soil. Those were tougher generations.

We removed the traditional tiles (kupe in Croatian), and temporarily covered the roof to protect us from the sun until we started fixing the wooden construction.

After installing the cover, we are finally able to rest a little. It felt good to achieve the first milestones.

While we were taking a break, we discussed the next steps, imagined how we’ll gather here with others, create a library, a deck for reading and so much more.

It wasn’t all brilliant engineering, and in the absence of better materials and tools, we reused some of the old wood to replace the missing parts of the construction. Duct tape proved to be the most useful for quick-fix solutions, as it always turns out.

Steps to follow:

– Fixing the door

– Work on the reinforcement of the terraces with dry stone walls

– Cleaning the house

– …

You are welcome to join us. One more thing we are looking forward to – spending the first night and having breakfast with coffee here.