Latest News and Updates on ISSA Activities and Events, Diary Entries, and Reports on the Construction of Our Concrete Utopia
- Winter Working Action
- Building the Archipelagos of the Future
- Conversation with Silvia Federici
- Islands of Conviviality
- Gallery– To Live Together 2024
- The Island on The Island
- Thinking After Gaza
- Making Friends With Chaos
- Sprijateljiti se s kaosom
- Tools for Change exhibition in Basel
- The “Dream Valley” Conspiracy
- Matko Šišak (ZMAG) Announced as First ISSA Resident!
- “Deep Dark Waters” inspired by Bifo
- Javno predavanje: “Čitanje otoka”
- ISSA 2024: The Program
- Summer Preparations
- ISSA 2024: Živjeti zajedno
- ISSA 2024: To Live Together
- “Korchagin” from the Island of Svetac
- Call for Applications: Residency at ISSA
- Acting and Film Workshop with Kids
- Dry Stone Walling Continues
- Radionica filma i glume za djecu
- Radionica za djecu: Platon na Visu
- ISSA in Berlin
- School Seeds Planted in Mokrin
- Goran Bogdan o Školi autonomije
- Bifo: “…like aliens on an unknown planet”
- Good life in times of extinction?
- Škola autonomije u Mokrinu
- Prijavi se: “Šta je za mene autonomija”?
- How Will We Live?
- Umjetnička kolonija u viškom arhipelagu
- What is easier usually is not better
- “Ono sto je lakše uglavnom nije bolje”
- Beacon shining from the (quite literal) hills
- Kako plaža može biti “pretiha”?
- Reports from the inaugural event
- Bifo: What Will Happen on Vis Island?
- PROGRAM: School of Autonomy Inauguration, September 7-10
- Program Škole autonomije 7-10.9
- The Inaugural Event: Save the Date
- Solar Power and FM Fun
- July at ISSA
- The First Public Event
- El Shatt – A Blueprint for Utopia
- First book donation
- Reconstruction of the Old Stone House
- Bifo: Why Start a School, Today?
- Dry Stone Walling
- Srećko Horvat Talks of ISSA
- Happy Sisyphus
- Green Academy at ISSA
- Aram Bartholl Visits ISSA
- Jean Peters (Peng!) Visits ISSA
- ISSA Garden: Hibiscus and Cypress
- Gael García Bernal Visits ISSA
- Water Tank Reconstruction
- Recovery of Memory
- ISSA – Bird’s Eye View
- A Conversation with Bifo: Future Islands
- Tireless August
- “Bifo” on ISSA— Summer of 2021
- Bifo Visits ISSA
- The Progressive International Visits ISSA
- !Mediengruppe Bitnik Joins ISSA
- First Night at ISSA
- A Place to Sit, a Place to Rest
- Until Nightfall
- Dry Stone Walls – Suhozid
- The School of ISSA is a Place of Gathering
- Bobby Gillespie Joins ISSA
- The Door to ISSA
- Another Day, Exhausted but Happy
- First Work Action at ISSA
- Pamela Anderson Joins ISSA
- “Bifo” on ISSA
- The Labyrinth of Bauhaus
- In Search of Lost Tools
- No Friends but the Mountains