“Cisterns meet Modern Tech. Circular Water Systems as Convivial Tool.”
The call is out for S+T+ARTS 4 Water II! We are looking for project proposals to build convivial tools around water management for ISSA.
Application is open until 26 June 2024.
All info: https://starts.eu/starts4waterii-residencies-call-for-artists
Together with Drugo More we are part of the S+T+ARTS 4 Water II, an initiative of the European Commission which is dedicated to Water Sustainability and innovation at the nexus of Science, Technology, and the arts. This time, the programme has a specific focus on the environmental challenges of ports, port cities, coastal areas, and waterways. Within the initiative, ISSA will be offering a residency starting from September 2024 with a budget of up to 40.000 € on the topic “Cisterns meet Modern Tech. Circular Water Systems as Convivial Tool.”
The goal of the residency is to develop a convivial tool, a prototype for a small-scale water collecting and distribution system using traditional (cistern) and modern technology coupled with community engagement on the island of Vis, considering the local context: a Mediterranean climate, affected both by climate crisis and overtourism straining the natural water supplies.
During the residency (from September 2024 to end of May 2025), participants will have direct access to experts across various disciplines, supported and facilitated by Drugo more and The Island School of Autonomy (ISSA), who will enrich the production throughout the research and production phases. We are seeking artists, engineers, constructors and innovators to explore and build a prototype of e.g. a sustainable water circulation system, a “convivial tool” (that could be understood, controlled and modified by the ones who are using it), on island Vis. The anticipated outcome is exhibition-ready artwork, to be showcased in Vis and Rijeka and potentially featured at Ars Electronica 2025, the UN Ocean Conference a/o the Love Tomorrow Conference. The artist is further invited to the 4WATERII summer school taking place in Croatia (for which travel costs are being granted).