Articles, reflections, conversations and book excerpts about ISSA and our ideas.
- Making Friends With Chaos
- Sprijateljiti se s kaosom
- The “Dream Valley” Conspiracy
- Bifo: “…like aliens on an unknown planet”
- Bifo: What Will Happen on Vis Island?
- Castoriadis: From Ecology to Autonomy
- Gael García Bernal on Survival
- When Asked AI About ISSA
- Gael García Bernal & Srećko Horvat
- David Graeber: The Real Libertalia
- Illich: Silence is a Commons
- Conversation with Hito Steyerl
- Bifo: Why Start a School, Today?
- Srećko Horvat Talks of ISSA
- About ISSA
- Plato in Issa?
- Michel Foucault: Of Other Spaces
- Ivan Illich: “Deschooling Society”
- A Conversation with Bifo: Future Islands
- Elisée Reclus: On Anarchist Colonies
- “Bifo” on ISSA— Summer of 2021
- Gilles Deleuze: Desert Islands
- “Bifo” on ISSA