Radio documentary: Across the Adriatic Sea

These people know what they’re fighting for

A couple of enthusiastic journalists from Radio Sarajevo undertook a project that we hold dear to our hearts – after 30 years of being kept from the public ear, a BBC recording was found. As it turns out, in 1944, a BBC radio correspondent, Denis Johnston, recorded Yugoslav partisans “somewhere on the Dalmatian coast” – as we now know, on the island of Vis. From there, those same enthusiastic journalists made a documentary radio drama called “These people know what they are fighting for” or “Across the Adriatic Sea,” consisting of two overlapping layers: the original 1944 recording and the reconstruction, a product of the journalist’s investigation.

So, whether you understand the language or not, this radio documentary has a lot to offer. You know what to do: get comfy, turn the volume up, and go back to the future!