ISSA curated the reading room for the exhibition Tools for Change at Haus der Elektronischen Künste (HeK), open from August 31 to November 17, 2024, in Basel, Switzerland. The collection includes texts inspired by the work of the social philosopher Ivan Illich, “how-to” pamphlets, and materials from our library, as well as other shadow libraries such as UbuWeb. The reading materials are hosted on a local file server accessible in the gallery. Visitors are invited to sit, browse, and read, as well as download materials to take with them. Starting this summer, ISSA will host its own library and other shadow libraries on its local server, which will be powered by solar energy.

ISSA Library, exhibited at:
Tools for Change
31.08 – 17.11.2024
Haus der Elektronischen Künste (HeK), Basel, Switzerland